1980s Reunion - Saturday 19th September 2009

1980s Reunion - Saturday 19th September 2009

Holly Wills (née Soffe) writes:  I must start with thanks to Paddy Savage, the Headmaster, for allowing us to invade Northaw / Norman Court (call it what you will) particularly as this was during term time, and to the kitchen staff who laid on an excellent lunch for us.
But then to ONs - thank you to those that came to reminisce and re-visit old haunts and to catch up with old comrades.
For those of you that couldn't make it, you missed out on a great day.  The sun shone as has been typical of past reunions, and everyone enjoyed wandering around, re-visiting old haunts within the school and grounds; checking that the Dell is still there (rumours that it had been filled in proved to be un-founded) and generally inspecting what has changed and what remains seemingly untouched since we were all there!  Even if the use of a room had changed, interestingly the smell hadn't - so it all seemed unnervingly familiar!
Denis and Anne Blake returned - it was great to see them on such fine form and I know they enjoyed seeing everyone and hearing all the news of careers, marriages, births etc.
If there is to be one disappointment of the day, it would be that more people were not there - perhaps Facebook is to blame, in that it is far easier to catch up on line and find out what everyone is doing with their life!  
The next reunion (for those with younger siblings) will be for the 1990s era.  Please do sign up and come along.  It really is a case of the more the merrier....